Tea Time Talk about topics

Datum / дата
Uhrzeit / час
13:00 - 14:00
Ort / адреса
*sowieso* Frauen für Frauen e.V.
Angelikastraße 1
01099 Dresden
Mehr Infos / детальніше

Dates: 04.04. | 25.04. | 09.05. | 23.05. | 13.06. | 27.06.2022
Registration required
: Please register by Friday the preceeding week!


Ladies*, we need to talk! We need to talk about things! Be it sports, politics, underwater basket weaving, or relationships. Every second Monday, from 01 to 02 PM is the time to do so.

»What is the point?« you may wonder. Well wonder no longer! We all know that if you don’t use a language, you lose a language. I want to prevent such loss!

If your English is good enough to read this out loud to a group, then your English should be good enough to hold a conversation. So, come on over for Tea Time Talk, whether on or off-line!